Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Happy Childhood Day

Today I had grand plans. I was going to clean my blinds since Hubb lovingly asked my last night if we should hire someone to come in and clean them. I was going to sweep and mop. I was going to dust. I was going to wash towels. I was going to make a nice dinner.
Instead I held Pudge a lot. He likes to be held to go to sleep. It drives me crazy sometimes since it makes it really difficult to get things done. Today, I tried not to be annoyed by it but just to enjoy his incredibly yummy babyness. When Diablo got home from her playgroup (this was when I was going to dust but held Pudge instead) She wanted to play in the rain. Pudge sat in the stroller in the garage while she played and I worked on my photography skills. Then Diablo asked for a bath so we did baths in the middle of the day. That's when I should have been sweeping and mopping. When Gem and Teaser got home from school they wanted hot chocolate and marshmallows. That's when I should have been making dinner. Instead I started the towels and we had leftovers. After homework and piano practicing we watched a movie and I made a batch of cookies. I let them stay up late to finish the movie and I edited my photos to make up for my lack of photography skills. I didn't even consider cleaning the blinds. Maybe I'll take Hubb up on the offer and hire someone to do it.
I hope when they grow up and they are asked to speak in church on Mother's Day they won't tell everyone how dirty the house was. I hope they'll talk about the hot chocolate and cookies and playing in the rain. Today I just tried to make it a happy childhood day. Maybe tomorrow I'll get some of that housework done. Maybe I'll call just Merry Maids. You never know.

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