Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bizarre Bazaar

I went to a bazaar today. Normally when I go to a bazaar (which isn't all that normal for me) I go to shop. Today I went to help my friend sell her stuff. Today, instead of looking at stuff I looked at people.

I love to watch people. First of all because it makes me (sometimes) feel better about myself. I am not a fabulously beautiful looker but at least I don't look like "frumpy sweatshirt lady". I don't mean for this to be an ugly post, though. When I people watch I don't really criticize, at least not all the time. Hey, I'm human, aren't I? Mostly I just observe. So as you read this, if anyone ever reads this, don't assume that I'm being rude about these people. They're just my observations.

First we had "cell phone couple". It took me a minute to realize they were together and even longer to realize they were running the booth next to mine. They both stood in the center of the aisle (people had to dodge them, of course) and talked on their cell phones. I'm assuming they weren't talking to each other. They did this for about 15 minutes! Just stood there. Talking on the phone. Then she hung up and fiddled around with stuff in her booth. Never did make it look any better. He kept up the cell phone conversations for a while longer. And he was wearing those weird looking shoes with the round springy thing on the heel. What is up with those? I don't care how "comfortable" they are. They look stupid!

Then we had "The Awesomest Grandma in America". No really, her sweatshirt said so. I don't know how awesome she really was but I think she was pretty good because she was kissing on a super cute baby.

"Doofy yakkity-yak guy" came by with his wife. This was a rather paunchy and aged man. He was wearing a button down shirt and courderoy trousers with a belt that went right around the fattest part of his middle. And he looked like he could have been a rocket scientist in some former life (not a cool one, the pocket protector type). He was talking away to his wife and she was not paying a lick of attention. I wondered if that was usually the case.

These two "tall, skinny, plain girls" came by. They could have been really stunning with a little effort. They were obviously sisters. I don't know if they just hadn't figured out what to do with their red hair or what. Maybe they were shy and didn't want to draw attention to themselves. It was too bad, really.

I heard the phrase "Mommy, can we go home now?" no less than 20 times. I don't think kids really like bazaars. I don't blame them. Some of the stuff is just bizarre! Here are my favorite products that I saw today. Mind you, some of these had actually been purchased!

A coffe filter tower. This had a cup and napkin on the top and then a huge stack of coffee filters and it all sat in a basket. No coffee with it.

A plate and tea cup on a stick. I think it was supposed to be stuck in a plant for decoration. To me it just looked like it was lost from the dog and pony show.

Stick stars. 5 Sticks, 5 nails. $8.00! I think I may sell those next year. That is some freaking awesome profit.

Gloves with dead rats hanging on them. Okay, they were fuzzy little muff things that had been added to the gloves. They came with matching dead rat scarves.

Shelaqued stumps. One had two pine cones on it and a candle, another had been made into a sconce. Seriously, people PAID for these!

I wish that I had had time to shop. I could have writen a book on the bizarreness of the day. It was fun, though. Every once in a while someone would sneak in with a stroller or a beverage and the bazaar people would chase them down. I hid a shake under my sweater while I entered. I figured if I was going to be there for a few hours the least they could do was let me have something to drink. It was yummy!

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