Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I don't want to be a mom tonight.

Is it tomorrow yet? I don't want to be a mom tonight. I'd just as soon skip it.

It has been a busy day. Busy with lots of kids, not even all of them mine. Maybe that is the reason I'm not in a mom kind of a mood tonight. I feel inundated with kids. Diablo had a particularly trying afternoon. Man, that kid can whine like no other! And she's incredibly persistent. I keep hoping one of these days she'll decide that she is absolutely, possitively going to be a good girl, come what may. If she decides that, no power in heaven or on earth will sway her from it. Kind of like tonight at the dinner table when she screamed at me for a full 15 minutes because she wanted to find her flip-flops. Notice that she never went to look for them, just yelled at me as I tried to explain that we were leaving soon to take Teaser to soccer and she already had shoes in the car so we didn't need another pair.

Tomorrow night I'm going out with my girlfriends. I live for nights like those. Nights when Hubb puts the kids to bed and deals with the whining himself. He gets to wrestle Diablo into her pajamas while she plays dead. He gets to remind Gem no less that 16 times to put her clothes in the laundry basket. He gets to put Chubb to bed 2 or 3 times before he'll go to sleep. I get to put on some sexy shoes and a shirt without snot rubbed on the shoulders. I get to pack my cute purse, the one that can't fit diapers and wipes. I get to talk to big girls who don't cry. I get to enjoy a dinner and dessert that I will regret all the next day. Bliss.

I can hardly wait. Really. The kids are watching a movie tonight until it is time for bed so I don't have to deal with them at the moment. Yessiree, Bob. I'm in no kind of a mom mood tonight. Or tomorrow. Maybe I'll try for Friday.

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